掉裤子 Pants Down
油彩、广告布、画布 oi on billboard vinyl and canvas, 240x150cm |
引述我的话 Quote Me
油彩、广告布 oil on billboard vinyl, 150x180cm
性感女侠 Sexy Swordswoman
油彩、广告布、画布 oil on billboard vinyl and canvas, 200x150cm
黑牡丹 Black Peony
油彩、广告布 oil on billboard vinyl, 150x180cm
因为(有)你 Because (of) You
油彩、广告布、画布 oil on billboard vinyl and canvas, 200x150cm
死鱼 Dead Fish
油彩、广告布、画布 oil on billboard vinyl and canvas, 240x120cm
废墟 Rubbles
油彩、广告布、画布 oil on billboard vinyl and canvas, 240x120cm |