


展出 Exhibition





2005 与陶轶成立自由音乐乐团“没腿的马 (MTDM)”
2006 毕业于德国杜塞尔多夫美术学院自由造型艺术系
2007-2008 参加德国美茵兹大学艺术学院自由造型艺术系大师班
2009 起任《艺术世界》杂志特约编辑,负责“一顿半音乐”版块
2009 与 Olaf Hochherz 合作制作原声/电子项目
“Power Wood Quality”
2009 与徐喆、李牧、照骏园成立艺术家团体“组织 (Company)”


关于“没腿的马 (MTDM)”




Jun-Y Ciao

Born in Shanghai in 1978

2005 Formed a free-styled music group MTDM with Tao Yi.
2006 Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Duesseldorf,
2007-2008 Graduated from the Meister Schule at the Academy of
the Fine Arts, University Mainz, Germany.
2009 Editor for Art World Magazine.
2009 Created the acoustic-electronic project “Power Wood
Quality” in collaboration with Olaf Hochherz.
2009 Co-founded the artist collective COMPANY.


About MTDM

MTDM, acronym for “horse without legs” in pinyin, was founded
in 2005 in Duesseldorf, Germany by two young artists Jun-Y Ciao
and Tao Yi, who commit themselves to the freedom, purity and
spontaneousness of music. Similar to the Fluxus predecessors’
exploration into the cross-border arts, the practice of MTDM can
be considered a tribute to the pioneers. MTDM is synonymous with
“good-for-nothing” in Chinese. In most Western movies, horses
with broken legs would be killed by cowboys with no exception.
As Jun-Y and Tao Yi were both born in the Year of Horse (1978),
the self-mocking name “Horse Without Legs” implies exactly the
profound thinking of the two artists on a philosophical question:
how to walk without “legs.”

