


展出 Exhibition (2008.12.13 - 2009.1.24)



Christiane Haase胡行易 雕塑、绘画展

The Other Side
Sculptures by Christiane Haase
and Paintings by Hu Xing Yi




另一面”是两位富有才华的艺术家Christiane Haase与胡行易的合作展出。二人作品都以神秘鬼幻的人体形象作为探讨人类复杂感情的题材。这些形象像来自两个不同世界——现世的,另一世的。

德国艺术家 Christiane Haase 这次展出的大型陶瓷雕塑系列"鬼魂”,是近期为一个建于1770年的德国洛可可宫廷的展览所创作。宫廷建造期间正值欧洲瓷器生产的高峰,而芭蕾舞者在当时成为瓷器上的流行图案。在 “鬼魂”系列里,无面的舞者如旋转的Dervishes,狂舞至失神,又如鬼魂出没不散。Haase所用的超自然形象唤起怪诞的美丽。它们把面孔覆盖在毯子和裙子下,让人难以辨认它们真实的身份和个性。德语中 “鬼”这一字眼,除了指鬼怪外,还含有精神层面的意蕴。


Christiane Haase 在德国柏林出生。作品在德国本土及国外多画廊和美术馆展出过,并获得过多项著名的艺术奖项和奖金。在东柏林郊区长大的她,受经常航行到亚洲的海员父亲的影响,在柏林墙倒下之后,终于来到了中国。因获得德国学术交流中心(DDAD)的奖学金资助,得以在景德镇创造出这批在“另一面”展出的作品。

胡行易的 “不明身份”系列作品描绘的是几乎不能辨认的,如鬼魂般的,消逝中的脸,又如 Turin 寿衣上模糊的耶稣像。那是戴着面纱的脸,从另一世界呼唤我们。是无数消失在繁杂城市中孤独和模糊的脸孔,倾诉着他们的失落。他作品的深度来自于感情的流露和不经意的艺术创作方式。在艺术中寻找自我的同时,胡行易用带有感情的笔触为这些鬼魂般的形象赋予生命。他描绘的肖像是一个前往Hades(希腊语Haides,隐形者)的人,渡过一条把分隔生死的河流。他描绘了生命。



The Other Side is a collaboration of two talented artists, Christiane Haase and Hu Xing Yi, whose works deal with the complexity of human emotions by employing mysterious human figures and faces that resemble both ghostly images from the other world and the living human being.

German artist Christiane Haase’s large ceramic sculptures “Geister” (Ghosts) in the exhibition were recently created for a Rococo palace in southern Germany, built around 1770 - a time when porcelain manufacturing in Europe was in full swing and dancing ballerinas were one of the favorite motives. In this “Ghosts” series, the faceless dancers resemble the whirling Dervishes who dance themselves into trance as well as the “undead” returning to haunt the living. Haase’s images of these supernatural beings evoke beauty and uncanniness at
the same time. With no faces showing, they hide themselves under blankets or skirts -not allowing us to recognize their true nature and identity. The German word for ghost, “Geist” stands not only for the returning ancestors but is also used in the sense of mind and spirit.

Most of Haase’s works, including drawings, sculptures and installation, deal with human emotions that are like parasites, shifting our mode of functioning and aggressively hang on to us. Her art reveals the hidden uncontrollable feelings of fear, desire, unease and discomfort. She examines the vulnerable part of a person - the stranger within.

Christiane Haase, born in Berlin, Germany, has exhibited her work in various galleries and museums in Germany and abroad. She has been awarded with several renowned art prizes and grants for emerging artists in Germany. Raised in a suburb of East-Berlin as a daughter of a sailor who mainly traveled to Asia, she was inspired to travel around the world. After the fall of Berlin Wall, she finally made her way to China. Thanks to a scholarship from German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD),Haase was able to work in Jing De zhen and produced a group of ceramic sculptures to be exhibited in The Other Side.

Paintings of Hu Xing Yi, titled “Unidentified”, portrayed barely recognizable human faces that seem to fade away as of ghosts. They are like the faint image of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin. They are faces of those who speak to us from the other world behind the veil,dead or still alive. They are faces of ones among us, soullessly dwelling in the crowded cities, countless, unnoticeable and desolate. Silently they speak of loss. The depth of his work is revealed in his emotional outpour in his unpretending way of art making. In the quest to defining himself in art, Hu gave lives to the ghostly images by brushstrokes that carries human spirit and emotion. He painted the last images of a person on the ferry on his way to Hades (Haides, Greek: the invisible), the place on the other side of the river that separates
the world of the living from the world of the dead. He painted life.

Hu Xing Yi, born in Shanghai, China, has exhibited in many galleries and museums in Shanghai.


