



展出 Exhibition (2007.4.6 - 4.30)

i love dream

Chris Rekrutiak 剪纸作品展
An Exhibition of Paper Cuts by Chris Rekrutiak





作为一个生活和工作在中国多年的陶瓷艺术家,Chris Rekrutiak 采用剪纸作为他另一种表现艺术才华的媒介。

在中国,剪纸是一种传统的民间艺术。剪纸艺人用对叠-裁剪的独特工艺描绘他们的日常生活、民间传说及宗教信仰。Chris Rekrutiak 也是用同样的工艺,把剪纸带进另一层面和意义。他的作品是关于现代生活和文化原动力。作品展现的是那种一切皆可的波普文化所拥有的刺激视觉元素。而这种波普文化元素在进入象中国这样变化中的社会后,熔入其传统的审美价值。通过 Chris Rekrutiak的作品,古老的工艺摇身变成极其现代的视觉媒介。

After having been living and working as a ceramic artist in China for years, Chris Rekrutiak took on papercuts as another medium to demonstrate his artistic talent.

Paper cut is a traditional form of folk art in China. Paper cut artists, using the unique fold-and-cut technique, illustrate their daily lives, folklore, and their religious beliefs. Chris uses the same technique and takes paper cuts to a different dimension and meaning. His work is about modern life and cultural dynamics. What the works present is provocative visual reference of the everything-goes pop culture, which has made its way into a transforming society such as China, and fused with traditional aesthetics. Through his work, the age old craft
transforms to an ultra-modern visual medium.





